Section: forum
Title: Exploring Genesis 1-3 as a true worldview story: Reading alongside Francis A. Schaeffer, C. S. Lewis, and C. John Collins
Author: Bjørn Hinderaker and Lars Dahle
Institution / Affiliation: NLA University College / NLA University College
As co-editors of this Theofilos Supplement issue, we are delighted that the issue contains such a wealth of valuable contributions. As theologians and apologists, we find Jack Collins’ approach promising, not the least because he draws on key insights from the two influential 20th century apologists C. S. Lewis and Francis A. Schaeffer in his exposition and application of Genesis 1-3 as a true worldview story.
We have a threefold intention with this article. First, to introduce some key contributions from Schaeffer, Lewis and Collins, largely in their own words. Secondly, to indicate why we find their contributions attractive and worthy of further explorations. Thirdly, in view of these contributions, to offer some brief, final reflections on how to understand Genesis 1-3 in worldview terms and how to integrate and apply this worldview story in our apologetics.
Published by NLA University College
In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology