Section: academia
Title: Bibelens absolutte ufeilbarlighet – et enhetlig dogme? Viktigheten av å skjelne mellom ulik argumentasjon til støtte for Bibelens absolutte ufeilbarlighet
Author: Simeon Ottesen
Institution / Affiliation: Fjellhaug internasjonale høgskole, Oslo, Norge
The inerrancy of Scripture is often seen as a uniform doctrine. In this article, I argue that one must distinguish between different formulations of this belief. By comparing Carl Fredrik Wisløff’s teachings on biblical inerrancy with the doctrine expressed in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, I show that there are some key differences between them which makes a distinction necessary.
Bibelens absolutte ufeilbarlighet, bibelsyn, Carl Fredrik Wisløff, Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
Published by NLA University College
In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology