Section: academia
Title: Eskatologien i Landstads salmer
Author: Egil Sjaastad
Institution / Affiliation: Fjellhaug internasjonale høgskole, Oslo, Norway
In a Christian burial, the pastor reads from Scripture about the Resurrection. After the burial, Christians often say: “Now he / she has reached the heavenly glory.” Is that a contradiction? In 2020, we celebrated one of the most significant hymn books in The Church of Norway, published in 1870. The editor, Magnus Brostrup Landstad, wrote many of the hymns himself. This article is a study of the eschatology in these hymns, with an emphasis on how Landstad combined the two motives.
Landstad, salmebok, døden, eskatologi, 1800-tallet, norsk kulturhistorie
Published by NLA University College
In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology