Section: academia
Title: Når skjermene inntar kirkerommet - om bruk av digital presentasjonsteknikk i gudstjenester
Author: Hans-Olav Hodøl
Institution / Affiliation: Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand, Norge
This study aims to elucidate how modern presentation technology is being used by Norwegian Christian congregations. It is based on a survey answered by 715 church leaders, and the practice revealed is discussed particularly on the basis of Eileen D. Crowley's framework for ‘liturgical media art’. The findings show that presentation technology is used to a significant extent, but mainly as practical, visual support for communication. The article argues that there is a potential to use technology for aesthetic purposes as well.
Presentasjonsteknikk, gudstjeneste, teknologi og kirke, visuell formidling, kommunikasjon, estetikk