Section: academia
Title: Karismatisk prototyp-kristologi, kvantefysikk og nevrovitenskap. En undersøkelse og vurdering av karismatisk- teologiske begrunnelser for at kristne kan gjøre undergjerninger som Jesus
Author: Arne Helge Teigen
Institution / Affiliation: Fjellhaug Internasjonale Høgskole
This article analyzes and evaluates “charismatic prototype Christology”. This is meant Christological thinking that has been developed within the charismatic movement, and which assumes that Christians potentially can do the same miraculous works as Jesus Christ. In recent times, quantum physics and neuroscience have been introduced in theological argumentation to justify this form of Christology. The article concentrates particularly on this development. Finally, an assessment is made in the light of Nicene Christology, to evaluate and provide alternative premises for theology about miracles.
Charismatic Prototype-Christology, Quantum Physics, Subatomic Reality, Neuroscience.
Published by NLA University College
In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology