Section: forum
Title: A Summary of Approaches to the Interpretation of the Creation Narratives in the Early Chapters of Genesis
Author: John Spence
Institution / Affiliation: Chair, Search for Truth Charitable Trust
There are a number of different views of the creation stories held by individuals, churches and denominations, some of which are held strongly which can cause disagreement if not division. Nevertheless, when the different views are considered together in a spirit of humility it becomes obvious there is considerable overlap as well as space for different opinions to be held together in Christian fellowship. It is anticipated that this summary may be useful to individuals and churches who are seeking harmony and reconciliation rather than entrenched positions. It should help to show that certain issues need not be as divisive as imagined. Unity in big picture truths rather than dogmatism in regard to more incidental aspects will assist the healing process if such be required.
Published by NLA University College
In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology