Section: academia

Title: Kant, moral och rationalitet

Author: Mats Selander

Institution / Affiliation: Apologia – centrum för kristen apologetik


This article defends a kantian version of the moral argument for the existence of God, formulated by Ronald L. Green. The argument consists of a dilemma of practical rationality. Rationality applied to society as a whole will render moral rules that will be rational – on average – for every individual to obey, since such rules will optimize self-interest. On the other hand there will be many situations where the self-interest of individuals will be threatened by such rules, and where it will be rational for the individual not to obey such (otherwise rational) moral rules. Kant’s solution to this dilemma is an overarching moral government – usually described as God’s just reward to the virtuous. In order to escape the force of this argument Mackie, following Sidgwick, denies the uniformity of rationality, and claims that practical rationality is in a state of “fundamental and unresolved chaos”. I will argue that this escape route is a price too high to be paid, since it threatens to undermine both moral philosophy as well as rationality as such.


Moral argument, God’s existence, rationality, moral rules, self-interest.



Theofilos 2021-1/2

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