Section: academia

Title: Meningsfull tro i sosiokulturell kontekst. En undersøkelse av forholdet mellom gudsåpenbaring og kultur

Author: Asle Jøssang

Institution / Affiliation: NLA Høgskolen / Fjellhaug Internasjonale Høgskole



This article contributes towards developing a “theology of culture”. It explores and strengthens our understanding of the role of culture in God’s administration and communication with humankind. Contextualization is not simply a “good strategy” but is god-intended and therefore inherent to any and all aspects of Christian mission. Cultural preconceptions inevitably activate syncretic adaptations in processes of conversion. Instead of trying to avoid syncretism, a culturally conscious Christian ministry needs to engage syncretic evolvements with empathy and sensitivity. Hiebert’s model of critical contextualization, coupled with a Lutheran understanding of the function of culture, enhances our commitment to take peoples’ lives seriously.


Mission and anthropology, missiology, contextualization, signs and meanings, cultural sensitivity, theology of culture, syncretism



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Published by NLA University College

In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology
