Section: biblos
Title: Four dozen key resources on apologetics and natural theology in an age of science
Author: Peter S. Williams
Institution / Affiliation: NLA University College
I was both delighted and daunted when Chief Editor Lars Dahle invited me to compile a bibliography for this special Supplement edition of Theofilos on ‘Science, Natural Theology, and Christian Apologetics’.
Of course, these days a literal interpretation of ‘bibliography’ would preclude mentioning some of the many excellent resources available in the form of video and audio material via platforms such as the internet, and so I’ve chosen to provide the following list of key ‘resources’ under several sub-headings. Each resource is followed by a brief description.
The title of this list was inspired by Alvin Plantinga’s famous paper on ‘Two dozen (or so) arguments for God’, with four dozen recommendations giving room for covering the wide variety of issues that fall within the remit of ‘apologetics and natural theology in an age of science’, without becoming too unwieldy.
Published by NLA University College
In partnership with Johannelund School of Theology